4H Media is the professional organization and event rental equipment included, including the supply, rental of floor mats, carpet lined walkways, carpeting the stage for the events program: Opening ceremony, started, meeting clients, party of, celebrating the establishment of businesses, launch new products .... Now, 4H Media is renting the mats with different designs: Red carpet, blue carpet (blue, green), gray carpet, carpet of gold, blue plastic mat .
- Bóng bay kinh khí cầu - Kinh khí cầu quảng cáo
- Con rối hơi, rối không khí
- Bộ dụng cụ khánh thành
- Bộ dụng cụ lễ động thổ
- Cột Inox - Barrier
- Cho thuê bục phát biểu
- Plastic pallet
- Misting Fan
- Sản xuất - Thi công booth activation, showroom trưng bày sản phẩm
- Arches steam